Overview of Grade Point Average (GPA)

A Grade Point Average (GPA) is a numerical summary of a student’s average performance in studies over a specific period, usually a semester. GPAs are calculated to two decimals and serve as indicators of academic performance, helping to rank and evaluate students.

In this section, we are going to discuss the Calculation part, conversion of GPA to Percentage, Intro of CGPA and SGPA.


GPA stands for “grade point average” and is a standardized measure of academic achievement in the U.S. It is typically on a scale of 0 to 4. If your country uses a different grading system, you may need to convert it to calculate your GPA.

How to Calculate GPA

To calculate your GPA, divide the total grade points earned by the total assessed teaching units. Use a scoring system like A=4, B=3, C=2, D=1. Some universities include A+ or A- with adjusted scores like A+ = 4.3, A=4, A- = 3.7, and so on.

GPA’s are of two types:

  1. Simple Average: A simple average GPA is calculated by adding scores from all courses throughout semesters and dividing by the number of courses.
  1. Weighted Average: Weighted average is a calculation that considers the varying degrees of importance of the numbers in a data set.

Definition of Percentage

It  indicates a portion of an item in relation to 100 units of that item. “Per cent” literally means “Per hundred”. The grading system indicates the candidate’s academic scores as a fraction of 100. 

How to Calculate Percentage

To calculate the percentage, you divide the total marks obtained by the highest possible marks and then multiply by 100.

Example: (15/25) x 100 = 60%

Usually, grade A is taken to be 100-90%, B is 89-80%, C is 79-70% and so on. 

If you have complex lettered grades that involve pluses and minuses, the following table can be of use: 

FBelow 55 

Conversion of GPA to Percentage and Vice Versa

  1. The Percentage from a simple 4.0 scale 

Formula:  GPA = (percentage/100) x 4

GPA = percentage divided by 25

If your GPA is 3.0 on 4 then,

Percentage would be 3 x 25 = 75% 

  1. The Percentage from a simple 10-point scale

Formula: GPA = (percentage/100) x 10

    GPA = percentage divided by 10

If your GPA is 6.5 on 10 then,

Percentage would be = 10 x 6.5 = 65%

Conversion of Percentage to GPA 

  1. On 4-Point Scale

The grade point average calculation formula on a 4-point scale is given below.

  • Divide your percentage by 100.
  • Multiply the value obtained by 4.
  • The result will be your GPA.


If you scored 70%, your GPA can be calculated the following way.

70/100 = 0.7

0.7*4 = 2.8

Hence, your GPA is 2.8.

  1. On 10-Point Scale

As per the 10-point scale grading system, the percentage to GPA conversion is very simple. You just have to divide your percentage by 9.5.

GPA = Percentage/9.5


Suppose your percentage is 85%. Then your GPA can be calculated the following way.

GPA = 85/9.5

GPA = 8.9

Affordable Resources

  1. GPA Calculation
  2. GPA Conversion Chart
  3. GPA Calculator Online

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the GPA in the Marksheet?

It is a number that indicates how high you scored in your courses on average. Using a scale from 1.0 to 4.0, your GPA tracks your progress during your studies.

What is GPA in India?

10-point grading scale

How do I calculate weighted average?

Multiplying each data point by its weight and summing those products. Then sum the weights for all data points. Finally, divide the weight*value products by the sum of the weights.

What is the difference between average and weighted average?

The average is the sum of all values divided by the number of values. In contrast, the Weighted Average is value multiplied by the weight, and added to find a solution. 


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