To understand the concept of cumulative grade point average, let us first understand the basic concept of GPA which is required to calculate CGPA.

Key Points of GPA and CGPA

  1. Consistency Matters: Maintain a consistent GPA to ensure a good CGPA score. Both are important indicators of your academic performance.
  2. Application Impact: Colleges and universities consider both GPA and CGPA when evaluating your applications. These scores influence your chances of admission for higher studies abroad.
  3. Scholarship Opportunities: Many scholarship programs consider both GPA and CGPA. A strong academic record enhances your chances of securing scholarships.
  4. Mark Sheet Reflection: Both your GPA and CGPA will be prominently displayed on your mark sheet, reflecting your academic achievements and capabilities.

Definition of CGPA

It is a way of assessing a student’s overall academic performance. It involves assigning grades such as A, B, C, D, or F to various subjects, and the CGPA is determined by calculating the average grade point across all subjects, excluding any additional subjects as outlined in the study scheme.

CGPA= Total Grade Point Obtained/No. of Subjects

Pros and Cons of CGPA

Reduced pressure on scoring high marksLack of accuracy in representing student performance
Customized attention to different subjects based on gradesLimited differentiation between close grade ranges
Ease of categorizing students for targeted attentionPotential disparity between grades achieved through exams and other activities
Clear identification of academic strengths and weaknessesDiminished sense of competition, impacting motivation for some students
Removal of competitive pressure, focusing on grades clearingInaccuracy in result representation: 91 marks = A1, 100 marks = A1; 89 marks = A2, 92 marks = A1

Method of Calculating CGPA from Percentage

  • Topic-wise Percentage of Marks:
  • Multiply the subject Grade Point (GP) by 9.5.
  • Overall Mark Percentage:
  • Multiply the Overall CGPA by 9.5.

The Indian CGPA system is given in the table below. This may slightly differ for different universities and different courses.

Marks ObtainedNumerical GradeLetter GradeCategory
<90 ≥809A+Excellent
<80 ≥708AVery Good
<70 ≥607B+Good
<60 ≥506BAbove Average
<50 ≥455CAverage
<45 ≥404DPass

Calculation of CGPA

  1. “ Average CGPA”
Grade point(GP)=S1+S2+S3+S4+S5CGPA=GP/5


Subject 1 Grades= 10 , Subject 2 Grades=9 , Subject 3 Grades=10

Subject 4 Grades=8 , Subject 5 Grades=10



  1. Percentage Using CGPA Obtained




  1. CGPA Using the Percentage




Calculation of Grades

MarksGrades AllottedGrade Points
91 to 100A110
81 to 90A29
71 to 80B18
61 to 70B27
51 to 60C16
41 to 50C25
33 to 40D4
21 to 32E10
00 to 20E20

Conversion of 10 point CGPA to 4 point GPA

Most U.S. universities are familiar with the Indian grading system and handle the conversion themselves. Students typically don’t need to convert CGPA to GPA on their own, as it’s managed by the universities or designated organisations. Students can still make a rough calculation for their own reference.

The table below shows the rough estimate of conversions

10 point CGPAApproximate 4 point GPAUSA Grade Equivalent

Conversion of CGPA to Marks Calculator

Understanding the concept of Marks, CGPA, and Percentage is crucial when dealing with academic scores. To calculate marks, you usually need the scores obtained and the maximum marks.

Some educational boards in India directly provide total marks out of the maximum marks, while others use CGPA or percentage. When you need to assess your performance, especially for revaluation or to understand your actual scores, converting CGPA and Percentage to actual marks becomes essential.

In order to calculate marks from CGPA, you need the CGPA grade and Maximum Marks that the paper was worth. The CGPA always represents the following:

CGPA = (Marks out of 100) / 9.5


If you score 78 out of 100, your CGPA would be calculated as 78/9.5, resulting in 8.210. After rounding, this becomes 8.2.

The formula to calculate marks

Marks out of 100 = CGPA X 9.5

If the marks are not out of 100, the first step is to calculate the equivalent score out of 100.

Marks out of 100 = (Marks scored / Maximum Marks) X 100


If the Marks scored are 64 and the maximum marks are 80, the score out of 100 is 80. If we have to calculate the CGPA, it becomes 8.4210 which rounds off to 8.4.

Formula to Calculate Marks from CGPA

Marks Scored = (CGPA X 9.5 X Maximum Marks) / 100

Percentage to Marks

The formula that we have applied in order to obtain marks obtained out of 100 applies to percentages as well.

Percentage = (Marks scored / Maximum Marks) X 100

Frequently Asked Questions

Is CGPA and GPA the same?

GPA is calculated as the average grade point earned by a student in a single semester. On the other hand, CGPA is the mean of all GPA scores earned in an academic year (all semesters). High GPA scores in each semester give a very good overall CGPA score.

Is 8.5 A Good CGPA?

If you have an 8.5 CGPA, that is a good score and should be sufficient for most placements

Which Examination Board Use CGPA?

The Central Board of Secondary Education uses the CGPA method to prepare the result of Class 10th.

Which one is better Percentage or CGPA?

Both systems have their own values. In other words, both the systems are different and cannot be compared easily to decide which one is better.

Does the CBSE provide GPA in the result?

No, CBSE only provides CGPA in the class 10th Result.


 If you need any further assistance, you may reach out to us.