Whether you’re moving to Abroad with family or planning to study Abroad, you may need to understand education system Abroad. This post covers everything you’ll need to know, from how it works to higher education system Abroad.

Education System In Canada

In Canada, education is a top priority for the government. The federal, provincial, and municipal governments all pitch in to fund and run the education system. The system is managed by each province, so there are slight differences between them, like the age range for students and the types of programs offered.

How The Education System Works ?

In Canada, most provinces provide compulsory schooling up to the age of 16, with the exception of Ontario and New Brunswick, where compulsory attendance is until 18 years old. The standard Canadian school system consists of 12 grades, except for Quebec, which has 11 classes.

In Canada, the education system has four main phases:

  1. Pre-primary
  2. Primary
  3. Secondary
  4. Post-Secondary education

Education StagesDescription
Pre- School EducationThe first stage of education in Canada is pre-primary education, provided to children aged 4 to 5 years. It is available in private, public, or federal schools based on your preference.
Primary EducationCompulsory education in Canada, known as primary education, is mandatory for children from grade 1 to grade 6. It includes subjects like Math, English language, Reading, Science, Music, and more.
Secondary EducationIn Canada, secondary education, also known as high school, spans from Grade 9 to Grade 12. The main goal is to support and prepare students for the next phase of education, with an increase in the complexity of courses.
Post- Secondary EducationThe post-secondary institutions in Canada offer Vocational Certificates, Diplomas, and Associate’s Degrees. Degrees are available in a wide range of subjects, progressing from bachelor’s to master’s and, finally, a PhD degree in the higher education system in Canada.

Higher Education System In Canada

After high school, students in Canada can apply to colleges or universities. Colleges, focusing on technical, applied arts, or applied science, provide vocational certifications, diplomas, and associate degrees. Graduates can explore job opportunities in Canada after completing a diploma or certificate.

Let’s take an overview the Higher Education System

Associate Degree2 YearsIt’s like the initial stage of a 4-year bachelor’s degree
Certificates & Diplomas1 to 2 YearsThese are programs that focus on practical skills and job preparation, especially in technical fields.
Bachelor’s Degree3 to 4 YearsIn Canada, a bachelor’s degree is an undergraduate program that typically lasts for four years, except in Quebec, where it’s three years.
Bachelor’s Honors Degree4 YearsTo earn a Bachelor’s Degree in Canada, you need to achieve a specific GPA or credits, and complete a major or a specialist program.
Postgraduate Diploma1 to 2 YearsA Post-Bachelor Degree qualification refers to further education pursued after completing a bachelor’s degree.
Master’s degree (Thesis)1 to 2 YearsA research master’s, also known as a thesis-based master’s, requires the completion of a thesis that is evaluated for course fulfillment.
Master’s degree (non-Thesis)1 to 2 YearsA taught master’s degree does not require the submission of a thesis.
Doctorate or PhD4 to 7 YearsIt is awarded when students complete the thesis and successfully protect their work before a panel of facility members

Grading System In Canada

When an international student applies for a higher education system in Canada, there is a diverse grading system followed across the country. It varies according to the area you are in, the university you have enrolled in, or the education you have opted for.

The Grading System followed in Canada can range from a 4.0 grading scale to a 9.0 grading scale. Also, a student will find variations and combination of numerical scores, alphabetical grades and% being followed in each university or region.

Grading Scales Used In Canada’s Grading System

Grade Scale For 4.0

Letter GradeGPADescription
B+3.5Very Good

Grade Scale For 9.0

Letter GradePercentageGPA

Education System In USA

The US education system consists of 12 years of elementary and secondary education before students can advance to post-secondary education. In the US, the school calendar begins in August or September and continues through to May or June. The majority of students begin school in autumn.

How The Education System Works ?

The US offers a broad range of courses for all study levels. Here’s we have listed below the education system of the US.

  1. Elementary School
  2. Middle School
  3. High School
  4. Higher Education
School StagesDescription
Elementary SchoolThe Early Years in the U.S. education system span about 6-7 years, starting from kindergarten and going up to Grade 5 or 6.
Secondary SchoolThe Middle Years in the U.S. education system typically span 2-3 years, beginning in Grade 6 or 7 and extending through to Grade 8.
High SchoolThe High School phase in the U.S. education system lasts for 4 years, starting in Grade 9 and concluding in Grade 12. Students receive a diploma or certificate upon graduation, and after completing high school, they may choose to attend college or university.
Higher EducationAfter completing the Grade 12, students can proceed to higher education in the USA. College or university study is considered higher education.

Higher Education System In USA

More than 4,000 accredited universities make up the education system in the USA. Unlike many countries, higher education institutions are not centrally managed but are qualified by sovereign accrediting bodies on a national or regional level.

Let’s take an overview the Higher Education System

Associate Degree2 yearsTypically, 2-year programs are designed to offer international students basic knowledge of subjects. They prepare students for entry-level positions in fields like designing, nursing, and education.
Bachelor’s Degree3 – 4 yearsIt takes 4 years to complete; the programs provide students with education and training for most career paths. Bachelor’s degree in the USA for international students includes core courses, major, minor, and electives.
Master’s Degree (Professional)1 to 3 yearsLeads international students from the first degree to a specific profession; the duration depends on the field of study.
Master’s Degree (Academic)2 yearsMostly awarded in traditional disciplines of arts, humanities, and science; may lead students to doctoral programs.
Doctorate or PhD5 to 8 yearsThe degree is completed under the supervision of a faculty advisor. It is awarded to the student on completion of the thesis and successful defense before a panel of faculty members.

Grading System In USA

  1. Numerical and Letter Grades: Two grading systems are prevalent in the US—numerical (0 to 100) and letter grades derived from the numerical scale for better understanding.
  2. GPA Importance: GPA (Grade Point Average) is crucial in the American education system. It is a key factor for scholarships, university admissions, graduation, and club memberships.

Grading Scales Used In USA Grading System

PercentageLetter Grade4.0 Grade Scale
97- 100%A+4.33 or 4.00
93- 96%A4.00
90- 92%A-3.67
87- 89%B+3.33
83- 86%B3.00
80- 82%B-2.67
77- 79%C+2.33
73- 76 %C2.00
70- 72%C-1.67
67- 69%D+1.33
63- 66%D1.00
0 – 59%F0.00

Education System In UK

The UK’s education system is steeped in history and stands as a global beacon for academic excellence, playing a crucial role in societal and economic development. With a spectrum of educational opportunities, from early childhood to higher education, the UK is a hub for those seeking valuable insights into education.

How The Education System Works ?

The British education system is structured into four levels: Primary, Secondary, Further, and Higher education. Primary and secondary levels are mandatory, with stages based on different age groups. Check out this infographic for a clearer picture.

Education StagesDescription
PrimaryFor ages 5-11, the UK education system comprises key stages 1 and 2
SecondaryFor ages 11-16, the UK education system includes stages 3 and 4, preparing students for the General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSEs)
Further Education (FE)For students over the age of 16, they can opt for a 2-year program leading to A (Advanced) level examinations in subjects they wish to pursue in colleges or universities. Alternatively, they can choose vocational qualifications if not inclined towards higher education.
Higher Education (HE)This level includes colleges and universities where students can pursue undergraduate or postgraduate degrees. It’s the most common entry point for international students

Higher Education System In UK

Higher education in the UK is provided by various institutions, including specialized schools, colleges, and universities. They offer degrees such as bachelor’s (undergraduate), master’s, and doctoral (postgraduate), as well as diplomas and certifications.

Let’s Take An Overview Of The Higher Education System

Bachelors Degree

A bachelor’s degree in the UK is an undergraduate program that students can pursue right after completing their schooling. It typically takes around 3 years to complete, but some programs may take up to 4 years, including one year of professional experience.

Further, the states like England, Northern Ireland, Scotland, and Wales offer bachelors degrees with a duration of 4 years.

Masters Degree

If you’re planning to pursue a master’s degree in the UK, it typically lasts for one year. However, there’s an option for students to extend it to two years by adding work placement opportunities to the course. These degrees are more focused on a specific area of a subject, allowing students to gain in-depth knowledge and develop diverse skills for success in their chosen field.

Masters Degrees broadly classified in two types

Taught Masters Degree (PGT)In a Taught Master’s Degree, students will attend regular classes in the first half of the course and engage in research in the latter parts. MA and MSc are examples of postgraduate taught (PGT) programs.
Research Masters (PGR)A Research-Based Degree typically lasts one to two years. In this type of program, students work independently on one or more extended research projects and submit a thesis at the end of the course. MRes and MPhil are common postgraduate research (PGR) programs.

Doctoral Degrees

To pursue a doctorate degree in the UK, students first need to complete their master’s in the selected field. Additionally, they have to work on an original research topic and conduct research to submit a thorough thesis. It takes around three to four years to obtain a doctoral degree in the UK.

Common doctorate degrees

  1. New Route PhDs in UK
  2. Professional Doctorates
  3. Higher Doctorates
  4. Doctorate of Philosophy

Certificate & Diplomas

Apart from degree programs, higher education institutions in the UK also offer several diplomas and certificate programs.

Higher National Certificate (HNC) or Diploma (HND)1 to 2 years
Certificates or Diplomas of Higher Education (Cert HE/Dip HE)1 to 2 years
Postgraduate certificates and diploma (PG Cert/PG Dip)9 to 12 months

Grading System In UK

The UK uses a letter grade scale from A to F to indicate students’ academic performance, with A being outstanding and F indicating a fail.

Grading Scales Used In UK Grading System

Grade Letter and DescriptionPercentage Score (in %)
A: Excellent to Outstanding70-100
B: Good to Very Good60 – 69
C: Satisfying50 – 59
D: Sufficient40 – 49
E: Unsatisfactory30 – 39
F: Unsatisfactory0 – 29

Education System In Australia

Australia is ranked in the top 3 countries globally for education. The Australian education system is highly reputable and known for its organized, structured, and disciplined approach. With multiple levels and various courses, it attracts students worldwide, offering a pathway to pursue education at their dream universities in Australia.

Levels Of Study In the Education System

Australia follows the Australian Qualification Framework (AQF), a national policy regulating training and educational qualifications in the country. With 10 levels of education, it is adopted by all educational institutions, ensuring tight regulation. For international students, the system determines the equivalent level of education from their home country when they pursue higher education in Australia.

Level 1Certificate I
Level 2Certificate II
Level 3Certificate III
Level 4Certificate IV
Level 5Diploma
Level 6Advanced Diploma, Associate Degree
Level 7Bachelor degree
Level 8Bachelor Honours degree, Graduate Certificate, Graduate diploma
Level 9Master’s degree
Level 10Doctoral Degree

Programs In Australia Education System

Australia boasts the world’s third-ranked education system with a quality index of 70.5. Post high school, you can pursue a diploma, advanced diploma, or a Bachelor’s degree. Diplomas vary in duration depending on the chosen university and course.

CoursesPrograms Offered
Diploma CoursesBiomedical Engineering
ESI – Power Systems
Electrical and Instrumentation Engineering for Oil and Gas Facilities
Illumination Engineering and Lighting Design
Industrial Data Communication, Networking and IT
Bachelor’s CoursesMechanical Engineering
Business Administration
Information Technology
Civil Engineering
Master’s CoursesMedical Science
Business Analytics
Ph.D CoursesBusiness

Grading System In Australia

In Australia, the grading system varies across different regions due to its large size. It’s important to understand the Australia GPA system if you plan to pursue your degree at an Australian university.

Basic Australia Grading Scale

Most Australian universities follow a similar grading system, but there might be slight variations between different institutions. Both undergraduate and graduate programs typically use the following university GPA conversion in Australia.

Australian GradeGrade DescriptionPercentageAustralia GPA ScaleGPA Grade 
HDHigh Distinction83-1007A+

Honors Degree Grading Scale

If you opt for an honors degree, the grading system may differ, as it requires an additional year of study compared to a regular undergraduate degree.

Australian GradeGrade DescriptionPercentage
H1First Class Honors80-100
H2ASecond Class Honors-A Division74-79
H2BSecond Class Honors-B Division70-74
H3Third Class Honors65-69
NFail 0-49

Education System In Germany

German schools are known for their structured organization, challenging curriculum, and emphasis on practical learning. The German educational system comprises Early Childhood, Primary school, secondary school , and university/technical college.

The universities in Germany follow two semesters, Winter and summer. Students can choose to apply for any semester of their choice.

Winter SemesterSummer Semester
April to SeptemberOctober to March
Application Deadline – January 15thApplication Deadline – July 15th

How The Education System Works ?

The German education system for international students begins with Kindergarten, followed by primary education lasting four to six years. Secondary education is known as Gesamtschule. Higher education in Germany for Indian students is offered by Universitaten (universities), including over 300 state universities, 150 applied science universities, and 50+ colleges for film, art, and music.

Education StagesDescription
Early Childhood EducationIn the German Federal Territory, children aged 0 to 6 can attend early childhood education programs based on their parents’ choice. Permits for daycares and preschools in the area are issued by the relevant authorities.
Primary EducationIn a 5-day-a-week preschool system, there are 188 school days each year. In a 6-day school week preschool system, which includes education on two Saturdays per month, there are 208 days of instruction each year.
Secondary EducationStudents aged 15–18, having completed the first two years of secondary school, enter upper secondary education with the goal of obtaining a diploma for university admission or entering the workforce.
Tertiary Education This level provides higher education for qualifying individuals who have completed secondary education in Germany or abroad, enabling them to pursue higher education studies.

Higher Education System In Germany


  1. There are over 2.9 million students enrolled in German universities in the winter semester of 2022/2023
  2. There are over 380 officially recognized universities throughout the country
  3. There are more than 17,000 study programs available across German universities
  4. An undergraduate programs lasts 6 to 8 semesters (3 to 4 years)
  5. A Master’s programs is 2 to 4 semesters (1 to 2 years) long
  6. PhD programs consist of 6 to 10 semesters (3 to 6 years) and usually include a doctoral thesis
  7. Both domestic and international students studying at public universities are not required to pay tuition fees in most cases

Let’s Take An Overview The Higher Education System


Universities in Germany offer a broad spectrum of courses across various subjects, emphasizing both research and teaching. They provide a more traditional style of learning, and you can explore specialized subjects at these institutions.

Universities of Applied Sciences

These universities specialize in IT, engineering, technology, business-related studies, social work, design, education, nursing, and applied and natural sciences. Some are government-funded, while others are private. The teaching staff at Universities of Applied Sciences further distinguish them from other higher education institutions.

Academies of Art, Music and Film

These institutions offer an independent style of learning that embraces creativity. They provide study programs for aspiring artists, musicians, and educators in these fields. Some focus on specific subjects within areas like fine arts, fashion design, film and television, instrumental music, and graphic design.

Grading System In Germany

The German GPA system is based on a 1 to 6 (or 5) point grading system. Universities in Germany use this system to assess academic performance, with 1 representing very good performance and 6 indicating poor performance.

Here’s a simple overview of the German university grading system (1 to 6)

2.0Overall very good

Different universities may use slightly different grading systems. Some may use a 1-5 point scale instead of the 1-6 point scale. Always check your university’s specific grading system for accurate understanding.

1.0 – 1.5Very good
1.6 – 2.5Good
2.6 – 3.5Satisfactory
3.6 – 4.0Sufficient
4.1 – 5Fail

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